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The Weekly

Jan 8, 2019

Less than two weeks into their New Year’s goals, TAB News cohosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell seek tips for how to stick with their goal of decluttering and simplifying life.

Research shows that only eight percent of people making New Year’s resolutions, goals or commitments achieve them and Jennifer and Debbie want to be part of that eight percent this year.

New TAB staff members Janet Erwin, executive editor, and Cynthia Walker Watts, executive assistant to the president, share tips they’ve learned through their previous experience and training as well as from life lessons.

Content Locations:

Prison Ministry Article - 32:50

Theology 101 - 48:10

"Explore the Bible" SS Lesson - 53:21

"Bible Studies for Life" SS Lesson - 1:00:19

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